Oct 25, 2019

How to Add & Forward Additional Vanity URLs to Your Site

Often people want to add additional urls to site for things like product launches or rebranding or even to redirect frequently misspelled versions of URL.

Forwarding these new "Vanity" domains is easy.. and once you start snapping up extra urls, it can be addicting.  These are called Domain Redirects and I'll walk you through how to do it in GoDaddy (which is the company I purchase and manage my domains with).

We'll use my DIY blog as the sample.   I own: TheKimSixFix.com, but many people don't remember to add the "The" and type: KimSixFix.com into the search bar.

Therefore I bought KimSixFix.com as a domain and want to redirect it to my site. So after purchasing a domain I want to go to the "Manage Domains" page (you can find it under the quick links section of your dashboard)

Next, find the domain you want to forward (You can see i have a domain hoarding problem!) and check the box next to the domain: 

Then go up to the menu and select "Forwarding Domains" 

A box will pop up and allow you to add your current site's address as the destination of your new URL:
If you don't want the URL to actually change in the browser bar you select the little button that says "Forward with Masking" (this will mask the URL) otherwise, if you want the url to automatically correct to the right one (in my case "THEkimsixfix" you would choose the 301 redirect.

Now when you mistakingly type: kimsixfix.com you will actually land on thekimsixfix.com which is the correct URL.

Easy peasy right?!  This is why I keep ALL my domains in one place.. so it is seamless.

Dec 21, 2017

How to Get Your Images Sharp on Blogger using IMGMAX Parameters

DISCLAIMER: The images in this post are optimized for a Retina display. If you are viewing this post on a standard screen, the sharpness and quality differences will be less obvious.

If your blogger images are only sharp when viewed "at full size" (when you click on them and load them in a new window) you probably have some code in your image url that is causing it.

Here is an example of the SAME photo url rendered differently in the same blog post:

SHARP (look at the watermark):

BLURRY (look at the watermark again):

What is the difference?

This is the image source code for the first (sharp) image:

This is the code for the second (blurry) image:

 The image URL is the same, but the blurry image no longer contains the "imgmax" parameter at the end of the url (When I compose in live writer or mars edit this suffix is automatically added)

If the size of you original image displayed doesn't match the number (or if that number is missing) blogger can mess up the proper display size making the images look blurry.


So if you are displaying an image that is uploaded at 2200px wide you should have ?imgmax=2200 on the end of the url.

Here is another example:

This image was originally uploaded at 1200px wide.  THIS is the original.

 This is the image displaying at the "medium" blogger setting with NO tag:

This is the image with the CORRECT imgmax tag ("?imgmax=1200"):

And this is what happens if I have the incorrect max width (in this case I used "?imagemax=100"):

It can be super frustrating if you don't know why your images are blurry, but once you do, it is a pretty easy fix!

Nov 11, 2017

How to Break A Post Into Multiple Pages (Paginate) on Blogger

It is no secret that I'm a Blogger blogger. Plus many people may be surprised to hear I have no intention of moving to Wordpress.  I often feel like I'm the only one who still uses this platform but I actually really like it.  I feel like I really "get" it and I'm not relying on someone else to help me with it. I understand it isn't for everyone, but it works great for me.

I do have one complaint about using Blogger: The people who will constantly tell you what they think it can't do.  And sure, it may not be 100% manipulatable, but most problems can be overcome.

Today I am going to tackle one of those "drawbacks" that I have heard you can't do on Blogger:  PAGINATE (Cut posts up into smaller sections for faster loading.)  Sure, Wordpress probably has a plugin or something for this, but I have always heard it was impossible to break up posts in Blogger.

Well today I am going to share a little secret about paginating on Blogger:
IT ISN'T IMPOSSIBLE.  (See? This post is paginated!)

In fact, it isn't even difficult to code it. For anyone who is too nervous to mess with your template code, I have good news for you: YOU DON'T HAVE TO.  You can accomplish it entirely within the post composition itself! I'm going to show you how (and I'm going to use this post to demonstrate how it works!)

For today's example I am going to use a four page post breakdown. You can actually break a post into as few as two or up to an unlimited number of pages.  I thought four would get the point across.

Blog Conferences 101 (Haven Conference Blog Hop)

Haven mentor blog hop

If you are arriving here from Beauty and Bedlam welcome to The Kim Six Fix!  

Today I’m participating in the Haven Mentor Blog Hop with two dozen other amazingly talented bloggers. This group of women (and a couple men) will be leading small support groups during the Haven Blog Conference that will be held in Atlanta later this summer. 

Sep 27, 2017

10 Tips to Grow on Twitter if you HATE Twitter

I am pretty sure there is no other social media platform (other than Google+) that bloggers hate more than Twitter.  The majority of bloggers I hear always make comments like “I’m only on it since brands seem to like it” or “I never go on Twitter, I just don’t *get* it."

Luckily, I am NOT one of those people.

May 18, 2017

Setting up a Lead Magnet Trigger Email in Mad Mimi

Using a lead magnet to trigger an email campaignUsing a lead magnet to trigger a drip campaign in madmimi
You want to know the fastest way to grow your email list?  GIVE SOMETHING AWAY.

People love free stuff and are willing to shell out their precious email address to get it.  A lot of bloggers are already giving away things on their blog without really thinking about it.  Printables, tutorials, recipes, advice, organization planners etc.

But what if you told your readers you wanted to EMAIL them your giveaway instead of posting it directly on your blog or allowing them to click to download?  You would 1. Have their email address and 2. You would know what they are interested in.


A reader who loves cooking may want to download a printable recipe card.  But instead of hitting the “click here to print my recipe” what if they had to “enter your email here and I will send you my printable recipe card”?  To a reader the difference is minimal.. but to you it can be a GAME CHANGER.

You now have their email address and you know they like recipes. What an opportunity!  Not only has your email list grown by one person, you have automatically targeted and segmented your list.   I have talked about why this is so important previously, but today I’m going to take it one step further.  I’m going to show you how to set up a giveaway trigger within your content..

I use MadMimi and I love it.  There is no affiliate program for it, so I don’t make any money saying that.. but I still recommend it.  It is so much cheaper and easier to use than the other programs I have tried (and I have tried them ALL:  Convert Kit, Mailchip, Feedblitz, GetResponse and Constant Contact.).  I have not found any services that are worth either the huge rate increase (Convert Kit) or lack of flexibility (Mailchimp).

To show you how I set up a trigged email drip, I’m going to use my own blog as an example.  In my recent post I wanted to give away a set of cutting machine files that are used to create iron on decals.  Only people who own certain types of cutting machines can use them, so I am know that anyone who subscribes to this lead magnet is going to be a cutting machine owner!

(Bonus: I can pitch this list to cutting machine associated brands telling them that my email to my list is 100% proven machine owners! That is valuable to a brand!) 

How to set up a Lead Magnet Triggered Drip Campaign in Mad Mimi

Apr 30, 2017

How to Install The Facebook Tracking Pixel On Blogger

How to Install the Facebook Tracking Pixel On Blogger Blogs
If you are on Facebook and are interested in tracking conversions to your blog from ads or post boosts, you are going to want to install the Facebook Pixel.   If you have never heard of the Facebook Pixel, you can read the quick summary directly from Facebook explaining how it works.

The problem is that the code they generate for users DOES NOT WORK directly on Blogger.

Installing the Facebook Pixel Tracking Code will give you an error that won’t all you to save the code in your template.   Luckily there is a work around that will convert the code to something more Blogger friendly.

How to Install The Facebook Pixel into a Blogger Blog